Thinking Audiovisually. Thinking in images and sound. Shaping in images and sound!
Shapes that you perhaps can appoint, but can't see in front of you!
Focussing on what is important. What is the core of your story? what do you want to tell to the world?
We'd like to translate it, by showing it.
Indeed: We visualize, go looking for your gaze on the world and make others share it.
One picture says more than a thousand words.

Allard Pierson 'Sicily and the Sea' │ Palermo • Blank pages - excavated from the sea

City of Eindhoven │ Opening film Smart Lighting Event 2014 • Transit Mantra - Knol Ontwerp

ROCKWOOL │ Corporate Social Responsibility 2015 Report

tinker imagineers │ Boerhaave Museum • Theatrum Anatomicum

City of Eindhoven │ Opening film Smart Lighting Event 2014 • Strijp

City of Eindhoven │ Opening film Smart Lighting Event 2014 • Strijp